We’re halfway through the year*, can you believe it? Let’s do an audit, an introspective look at ourselves. With the pressures of life as intense as they are, any of us can get out of balance. We all have the potential to neglect what’s really important to us personally and to the Kingdom of God. An audit, in the financial world is a thorough examination of the books, looking for balance between deposits and withdrawals. A “life-audit” is similar. You take a hard look at the deposits and withdrawals of your time, your energy, your resources, activities, relationships. If there are more withdrawals than deposits, you are operating your life “in the red”! Sooner or later, something is going to break or fall apart – it may be you! All of us have to know our limits. Allowing too many withdrawals without making enough deposits leaves us empty, discouraged and exhausted. One of the key strategies of the devil is to wear us dow...