You Have A Choice

“…let us run with patience the race that is set before us”, Hebrews 12:1

 We all have a life to live out, and we must take responsibility for the way we choose to live it.  Influences come from all directions; family, friends, the media, etc.  But in the end, we are all accountable for how we live our lives (Romans 14:12). 

We who know Christ as our Savior, often stumble and fall, but we have a Shepherd (John 10:11).  One who seeks to guide us, protect, and comfort us as we travel along our journey.  Only the Christian can claim the mercy and forgiveness offered by the Good Shepherd to those who fall. 

What is the alternative to the Christian life and the journey of faith?  It is not pretty. It is a crowded path, a path of darkness (John 3:19). A path that is filled with peril and danger and at any time the unbeliever can step into eternity without Christ.

You have a choice. You can go with God and enjoy a path of blessing, unconditional love, and forgiveness. Or you can go it on your own, walk in darkness, and risk stumbling into a Christ-less eternity.  It’s a no-brainer my friend.


The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman



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