How Strong Is The Net?

Scripture references: Matthew 4:18-19 and Luke 5:4 

When Jesus called His first disciples by the sea of Galilee, they were fishermen. The scripture says that Jesus saw two brothers, Simon Peter and Andrew, casting their nets into the sea. He said to them “follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Jesus was saying to them, follow me and I will teach you how to win souls. 

Nothing is more important to the Lord than winning the lost to Christ. Fishermen by the sea of Galilee used large nets to catch fish. Let’s talk about the net for a moment. I borrowed a few thoughts from Dr. Adrian Rogers who is in glory now. He was a prince of a preacher. Pastored a great soul-winning church in Memphis, Tennessee. 

First: “Cast the net diligently.”  We can’t lead anyone to the Lord if we don’t try – again and again. 

Second: “Repair the net quickly.” As those men had learned years prior, if the net developed a breakage, the fish would break through and not be caught. The devil loves to cause a rift in our unity as we try to win souls for Christ. We must restore the integrity of our net. 

Third: “Work the net obediently.” Whether we feel like it or not, the gospel net must be worked repeatedly. The Lord will reward our efforts. 

Finally: “Wash the net.” This must be done continually. A dirty net will not attract the fish and it will cause the boat to smell bad. We must deal with the sin in our own hearts if we are to “catch” men and women for Christ. 

Ineffective outreach is often caused by jealousy, bad attitude, strife, pride, etc. All these things can hinder our witness to the lost. Ask the Lord to show you anything in your life that might restrict you from leading someone to Christ. Let’s be casting our nets all the time.

 The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman




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