Never Out Of God's Reach

One of the most amazing conversions in scripture is the salvation of Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9). After his amazing encounter with the Lord, he became Paul the Apostle, the great missionary to the Gentile people of his day. From one who persecuted Christians, to someone who embraced Christ Himself. Paul became a Christian after doing everything he could to stop the spread of Christianity. 

No one, no matter how messed-up they may be, is beyond the reach of the Almighty. I, at one point in my life had no interest in spiritual things, no interest in God’s plan for my life.  I was blinded to the truth of the Gospel, addicted to this world and on the road to destruction, but I was not beyond the reach of God’s mercy.  His mercy is greater than our mess. 

Perhaps you are bound by sin, chasing fame and fortune, living for self and have no interest in what God can do for you. Perhaps you are unsaved, backslidden, rebellious, or calloused toward the things of God. If you will stop running from Him, and run into the loving arms of Jesus, your whole life can change. You may be out of God’s will, but you are never out of His reach. 


The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman



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