Rendering Honor

“Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to who tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour”, Romans 13:7. 

The word honor means to highly esteem, to show respect, to value. There are some things God teaches us to honor. First and foremost, we are to honor the Lord. He in turn, promises to honor those who honor Him (I Samuel 2:30). We are taught to honor His Word. We honor the Word of God when we live by its principles, and by obeying its instructions. 

We are to honor God’s people. Every born-again believer is a brother and sister in God’s family, worthy of respect. God’s prophets are to be honored. Pastors, evangelists, missionaries, all who present the gospel to others. All of those are infallible people, but worthy of honor for the position they hold (I Timothy 5:17). 

Those of old age are to be honored. They may be up in years, but they have lived long enough to teach us some things if we will listen (Leviticus 19:32). Parents are to be honored. God’s Word teaches us to honor them also (Ephesians 6:2, Exodus 20:12). 

Are you obeying the instructions God has given you in the Bible to honor those to whom it is due? 

The Pastor’sPocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman



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