Never Stop Short Of Your Miracle

In I Kings 18, we read about a famine during King Ahab’s reign.  For three and a half years, no rain fell upon the parched ground.  Cattle were dying. Crops wouldn’t grow. Wells dried up. It was a hard time for all living things to say the least. But God honored the prayers of Elijah, the prophet.  A miracle was on the way.  In our verses 41-45, Elijah told Ahab to get up, have a good meal, and prepare for a downpour. 

After crying out to God on top of Mount Carmel, Elijah told his servant to go and look out over the sea.  The servant did as he was told, came back to Elijah and said, “There is nothing” (vs. 43).  Elijah said, “Go again seven times”.  Finally, after the seventh time of going and looking out over the sea, the servant returned and said he saw a little cloud about the size of “a man’s hand”.  Before you know it, there was a mighty rainstorm on the way (vs. 45).

 I heard the story of an Olympic athlete named Beth.  She had to complete a 26 mile marathon in less than 2 hours and 45 minutes to qualify for the finals.  As she was running the last half mile, she stumbled and fell.  The crowd yelled to her to get up. The clock was ticking.  She staggered to her feet and tried to keep going.  With 10 seconds to go, she fell again.  With the crowd cheering her on, she crossed the finish line on her hands and knees. Her time: 2 hours, 44 minutes, 57 seconds. 

If we are not persistent in faith, we can miss God’s best in our life.  If we don’t celebrate the little things, we can miss out on the bigger things God wants to send our way. Never stop short of your miracle! Get up and go again until God rains down on you His very best. 

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman



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