Distinctively Different

The Bible says we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). We have been created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26). There is not another person in the entire world just like you. Your fingerprint is unique. Your voice is unique. There is no one exactly like you. Celebrate your distinction. Your significance in this world is not your similarity to others, but rather your distinction from others. 

Our reward in life is determined by the problems we solve for others. People with health problems need a doctor. People with car problems need a mechanic. People with spiritual problems need a pastor. God will always bless us individually when we use our gifts, talents, abilities, and resources to help others in some way. Currents of favor begin to flow the moment we help meet a need in someone else’s life. 

Israel needed a deliverer – God sent Moses. The armies of Israel needed a champion – God sent David. The church needed a “rock”, a foundation to help them grown – God sent Peter. The Gentiles needed a missionary – God sent Paul. They all saw favor flow in their lives when they fulfilled their God-given purpose.

 Remember this: What God assigns us to solve, He qualifies and equips us for. You are not assigned to everybody, but you are assigned to somebody.


The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman





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