Make Time To Pray

In Matthew 26:40, Jesus said to His disciples, “What, could you not watch with me one hour? Watch and pray”. 

“One hour” – that convicts me, it challenges me. There are 24 hours in each day. Can we not find one hour to get alone with God and talk to Him? The scriptures teach us that Jesus, at this present moment, is in heaven, making intercession in prayer for us (Hebrews 7:25). You and I are on His “prayer list” right now. He prayed while here on earth and continues to pray in heaven.

Every genuine revival I know anything about was first bathed in prayer. If we want happy homes, successful churches, and a nation that honors God, we must pray. I’m challenging you to make time to pray. Pursue a ministry of prayer. The rewards are incredible.


The Pastor’sPocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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