The Process Towards Maturity (Part 2)

In yesterday’s Pastor’s Pocket, I pointed out reasons why so many Christians never reach maturity, never reach their full potential in Christ.  In review, here they are:

There is resistance that every believer will face in the endeavor to grow. The adversary of every believer, Satan. The nature of the Christian life itself is not one of ease. These obstacles are real, making it difficult to develop and grow, but they can be overcome. 

It begins with a desire.  Every new-born believer must want to grow.  I have observed many people new in the faith and wondered, do they care?  Do they want to grow up or are they content to stay in infancy?  Babies get lots of attention. Just look around after church services conclude on Sundays and where is all the attention? You guessed it – where the babies are. Find a rather large group of people and most likely you’ll find an infant in the middle. The truth is, some infant Christians get addicted to attention.  It’s nice to get attention, but if growth takes place, the need for attention will fade away. Spiritual growth begins with desire. 

Secondly, exercise is a must for growth.  If a person new to the faith will get involved in church, participate in worship, become active in soul-winning, prayer, etc., it is rare if that person doesn’t grow, and grow rapidly. 

Thirdly, intake of spiritual food. The Word of God is a necessity.  There is no getting around it.  If someone is to grow and develop they will have to eat.  What’s true in the natural realm is true in the spiritual realm.  Show me a Christian that studies his or her Bible, sits under good teaching and preaching, and I’ll show you a believer who is growing. 

What does all this lead to? STRENGTH.  And strength helps us to overcome an ungodly culture, the devil, and all the resistance that a Christian must deal with, in order to grow.  Let’s not forget the promise in 1 Corinthians 15:57, “But thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 


ThePastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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