Cultivation Breeds Confidence

Confidence is a major element in effective prayer. Just like a lot of other things, confidence, or lack of confidence, makes a difference. When a professional athlete goes into a “slump” (a pro golfer who can’t make a putt or a baseball player who suddenly can’t hit), it’s often just a matter of confidence. It’s not technique or lack of skill. If that athlete wasn’t any good, he wouldn’t be a professional! When the confidence returns, the putts start falling and the hits start coming! Confidence in prayer is connected with our relationship with God. Sometimes we forget that God is a person. The closer we get to the Lord, the more confidence we have as we pray. Relationships must be cultivated, worked, attention paid to it. Any relationship is that way. I’ve been married to the same woman for 32 years. I know Ms. Cindy very well. I know how she thinks. All this helps me to communicate with her effectively. When she ...