The Joy of Communication

Consider what prayer can do.  Is anything too hard for the Lord?  Prayer opened the Red Sea, brought water from a rock and bread from heaven. It made the sun stand still once and brought fire down from heaven.  Prayer can move mountains, can heal the sick, bring sinners under conviction, bring prodigals home, can give strength to the weak, hope to the distressed, and mercy to the fallen.

We should pray continually about everything, no matter is too big or too small to bring before the Lord.  Living the Word through our prayer life means: we pray fervently (James 5:16), diligently (Hebrews 11:6), without ceasing (I Thessalonians 5:17), in faith believing (Mark 11:24), expectantly (Jacob), specifically for our daily needs (Matthew 6:11), privately (Psalm 55:17). In Acts 12:5 they prayed corporately without ceasing for Peter and God responded to the prayers of His church.

We should pray for others and their needs, interceding on their behalf.  Praying people move the heart of God! Our faith is the magnet that draws God’s attention.  What strength, wisdom, courage, discernment do we lack because we do not ask?  Praying churches have joy, victory, success, power, fruit, and the presence of God.  Prayer-less churches do not.

How often do you talk to God? Are you missing the joy of communication with your Heavenly Father?  

The Pastor's Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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