"Pray for Us"


I Thessalonians 5:25 says, “Brethren, pray for us”.  Someone once said “there is nothing that makes us love a man so much as praying for him.”  As we lift our brothers up to the Lord in prayer, and truly pray for them; their well-being, their successes and their needs, it does tend to draw us into their world and that’s a good thing.

The trend today is toward isolation.  Each man on his own little island so to speak.  Even with all of our new technologies in communication; cell phones, Blackberries, PCs, Ipads, etc., we still don’t know our neighbors or even our fellow brothers-in-Christ real well.  Often times we may feel isolated and lonely even though we are around people at work or at church.

I’ve know several men who took their own lives, who were members of the church where I pastored.  I’ve often thought to myself now, how did that happen?  Did those men not know there were other men who would have prayed them through their problems if only we would have known?  It’s a humbling thing to ask another brother-in-

Christ “will you pray for me?”  Are we too proud to ask? Are we too private to draw another brother into our world and open up a little to the challenges we face?

Let us pray for one another!  Never be too proud to say “Brethren, pray for us.”


The Pastor's Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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