The Importance of Abiding


Let’s discuss tonight the “ifs” of answered prayer.  Just before Jesus was arrested and crucified, He gave His disciples some of the most powerful promises about intercessory prayer ever given (John 15:7)

In John 15, the Lord Jesus is stressing the value of relationship, “I am the vine, ye are the branches” (John 15:5a).  In verse 7, He gives us the two “ifs” that we need to seriously consider: 1) “If ye abide in me…” 2) “and (if) my words abide in you…”  What does it mean to abide? It has to do with “connection”.  Just as a branch is connected to a vine, we must be connected to the Lord.  This has to do with relationship.  If we don’t truly know the Lord, we cannot claim the promise, “ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.”

Relationship with Jesus implies that we get power, comfort, wisdom; everything we need from Him.  If we are not “in Him” we are ineligible for the answer to our prayer. “If my words abide in you”, means that Jesus’ Words must become a part of our daily life.  We must take them seriously. Obey them and live by them.  His Words are in the gospels.  How often do we read them? Stand by them? Meditate on them? And when Jesus speaks of sinful practices, how do we respond?  Until we put away those things, we just as well save our breath – God will not hear us.

Let’s get in position to claim the prayer promises of Jesus.  Let’s pour out our heart with a pure heart and then get ready for God to move!

The Pastor's Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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