Pray for One Another


The ministry of intercessory prayer is a powerful thing!  Think about it my friend. When you pray for someone, in essence, you are touching God with one hand while reaching out to the one you are praying for with the other.

Consider this when you pray for someone who is lost.  You are interceding. You are going before God in faith, praying for their salvation, praying for them to “see the light”.  The Bible tells us that the god of this world hath blinded the minds of the unbelieving sinner so that they are unable to see the glorious light of the gospel message (2 Corinthians 4:4).  Yet we pray for those who are lost.  We intercede, we go before God on their behalf.

As we pray for Pastors, Evangelist, Missionaries, our Staff and others in ministry, we are touching God with one hand while reaching out to them with the other.  It’s a powerful thing!

Paul was a great intercessor. In most every letter he writes, he tells the believer he is praying for them.  Although he was separated from them at the time, he knew he could minister to them through intercessory prayer.  What joy and encouragement it must have been to those believers to know that Paul was “touching God” for them through his prayers.

Remember this: the answering hand of God awaits the lifted hands of men and the heart that answers always transcends that heart that cries.  Brethren, let us pray for one another.                                          

The Pastor's Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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