Humbly but Boldly


Fervent prayer goes way back.  We know that prayer was a distinctive priority for the early church (Acts 1:14, 2:42, 3:1, 6:4 and many other verses).
Calling on the Lord is seen in the life of the prophets; Habakkuk 3:1, Jonah 2:7, Daniel 7:17 and 9:13, Nehemiah 1:6 and 4:9, David in Psalm 4:1, 6:9 and 17:1.
But prayer goes back even before Moses and Abraham!  In fact, the first mention of men calling upon the Lord occurs in Genesis 4:25 and 26. Yes, right in the book of Genesis – the book of beginnings.
Before there was anything called the church, before there was a Bible, a choir, or any kind of “service” like we have today, men were calling upon the name of the Lord.  From the godly line of Seth, men somehow sensed they could call out to God and He would answer, He would listen and He would respond!
The first prayers had sound! It was the sound of men expressing their needs, desires, and praises to God.
My point is this: crying out to God in prayer is not some new idea! It actually has ancient roots way back in the book of Genesis by some of the first men to walk this planet.
May God help us to humbly, but boldly, cry out to Him and He will answer us (Jeremiah 33:3).

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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