The Ministry of Intercession


“And He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor” (Isaiah 69:16a)  The great need of the hour is prayer warriors, for our friends, our churches, our homes, our nation and the world.  The ministry of intercession is putting our shoulders under the burdens and needs of others.

Most of the great prayer warriors of the Bible were great intercessors; Abraham, Moses, Samuel, David, Daniel, Paul.  Jesus’ great High Priestly prayer of John 17 is a prayer for others.  The scripture says that even now in heaven, “He ever liveth to make intercession…” (Hebrews 7:25).  The Holy Spirit, who now resides in human temples, “makes intercession for us…” (Romans 8: 26,27).  

To succeed in the ministry of intercession we must care about the needs of others.  This means getting beyond our own needs.  Paul is a great example of this.  In most of his letters, he mentions his prayers for the saints (I Corinthians 1:4, Philippians 1:3-10, Colossians 1:3, I Thessalonians 1:2).

How often do we say to others, “I will pray for you” and then we fail to do just that.  Real intercession calls for understanding, sympathy, intensity, commitment, sacrifice and discipline.  It requires patience and faith.  The answer does not always come immediately.  

The blessings of intercession though are immeasurable.  That God helped someone else because of your prayers.  Think about it!  

The Pastor's Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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