Blueprint in Praying


I Timothy chapter 2, verses 1 – 4, gives us a blueprint in praying for others.  Paul instructs Timothy by saying, “first of all”, meaning prayer is a priority!  “Supplications”: petition, beseech, request.  “Prayers”: our communication with God. “Intercessions”: praying specifically for others, you in-between God and someone else. “Giving of thanks”: praying with a grateful heart. “Be made for all people”: no one is to be eliminated because of status, race, influence or creed. “For kings, and for all that are in authority”: this group would include your employer, your pastor, the President of the United States, law-makers, judges, policemen, parents, anyone in your life who has a position of authority.  Respect for authority is a must here.  Paul writes in verse 3, “this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior.”  If something is good and acceptable in God’s sight, then we should honor it.  This is a critical principle as it reflects to prayer.  We must take it seriously.  Include this teachings you pray and intercede for others.  God will bless you tremendously if you will.

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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