If We're Not Getting Answers


When our prayers are not answered, something is obviously wrong.  We’ve been talking about taking our prayer life to the next level.  That involves purity – maintaining a pure heart before the Lord.  The scriptures are clear, if we regard iniquity in our heart, the Lord will not hear us (Psalm 66:18, Isaiah 59:2).  We must pursue righteousness, godliness and personal purity. We must pay attention to the “ifs” in the promises about prayer.  Some promises are conditional and if we ignore them, we can be ineligible to claim those promises from God.

There is something else found in I Peter 3:7 we must consider; tension in the home can hinder God from answering our prayers.  This verse specifically speaks to the husband.  Our failure to understand our wife, to honor her and respect her, can mess-up our own prayer life.  Is there anything at home and in particular your relationship with your wife that may be affecting your prayer life?

Why does it seem God answers some people’s prayers and others He does not?  Have you noticed that God answers the prayers of children and new believers with surprising regularity? Why? Perhaps it has to do with a level of faith and a level of innocence.  Children and new believers (those young in the faith) will ask for anything!  “God, please heal my cat”. “Help Mommy feel better”. You see, they haven’t learned to become skeptical like many of us.  We’ve been in so many situations that it seemed to us God wasn’t listening or didn’t care, so we learned not to expect an answer.

A pure heart will increase our faith and give us the confidence to approach the Lord expecting Him to respond.

If we’re not getting answers – let’s consider the reasons why and do our best to fix the problem.  Let’s take it to the next level gentlemen!

The Pastor's Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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