Happy Father's Day!
A Father to the Fatherless (Psalm 68:5a) Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads! As a father myself, having raised two daughters, I am reminded today of the blessing it is from God to be a Dad. Every person on earth had a man who fathered them (two female lovers still cannot pro-create! Just thought I’d throw that in). Fatherhood is about relationship. There is a biological connection for every person and the man who fathered them. It is sad today, but the statistics are real. Seventy five percent of all incarcerated men (and boys) declare they never had a good or “normal” relationship with their father. Was he absent? Did he care? Did he take the time to love, instruct, or discipline? Was he too busy to have a relationship with his son? Every child suffers when their relationship with their father is skewed in some way. Psalm 68:5 reminds us that God (Heavenly Father) will be there for the abandoned. Put your trust in the “Father” who will never disappoint you! Dads – let’s work at ...