Fixing Relationships


We can easily sin against God by doing the wrong thing in our relationship with other people.

Remember what Joseph said when tempted by Potiphar’s wife? Genesis 39:9, “…how then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?”  You say, “but wait a minute – Joseph would have only sinned with his master’s wife - right?” But Joseph saw it differently.  He knew the sin would ultimately be against God Himself. 

Too many Christians block the flow of favor and blessing from God in their lives because they offend the Lord in their dealings with other people. Unanswered prayer, hindered worship, and lack of joy; these things and many other “spiritual problems” arise from relationship problems or sins against other people.

Let me ask a few soul searching questions.  Can you think of people you may have hurt or offended in some way?  Are you bitter or holding grudges against people that may have hurt you?  Are you involved in any improper (unspiritual) relationship right now? Have you gotten too close with someone (of the opposite sex) at work? Do you avoid regular fellowship with your local church? Are your family relationships as they should be?  These questions are only for your consideration and personal reflection.  Why? Because the way you treat others affects the way God treats you!

If you are struggling to get God to respond to your prayers, struggling with worship and you find yourself avoiding certain people because things are not right between you. Then prayerfully consider fixing your relationship with others. You just may find heaven “closed” until you do.  

God wants to bless you, He really does. However, your relationship issues may be the reason God won’t bless you right now.

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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