Your Purpose

 Romans 8:28b, “…called according to his purpose” .


Do you know your purpose in life?  Everyone should know the answer to this question. 

How do you discover your purpose? Here are a few helpful hints:

Look within yourself. What moves you? What stirs you up inside? What excites you?  We know from reading Paul’s letters to the churches that it was the gospel that moved him to live as he did.  He said once to the Corinthians, “Woe is me if I preach not the gospel” (I Corinthians 9:16).

Look behind yourself. What has life taught you? What experiences have you had that lead you in the decisions you are making now?

Look around yourself. God always uses people around us to influence us.  Interact with the right people – it will lead you to the right destiny.

Look ahead of yourself. Do you have the faith to trust God with your future?  Helen Keller said, “The only thing that’s worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision.”  What can you “see” through the eye of faith?

Look beside yourself. What resources are available to you? There are books, CDs, conferences, spiritual mentors.  All of these things can help you discover your God-given purpose.

Look above yourself. Pray. Ask God to reveal His will in your life.  Your purpose must be God ordained, nothing less.

Your purpose…it’s important!  Embrace it. Focus on it.  It’s the secret to living a happy, fulfilling life!

The Pastor’s Pockets

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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