Triumph Over the Adversary!


Satan has been the arch enemy of heaven ever since he was thrown out of heaven after his rebellion against God.  Where did he go? He landed here on the earth. The devil has laid claim to this planet and its inhabitants, but Jesus still holds the “title deed”  (Revelation 5:7).  In other words; Satan doesn’t even have the keys to “his” house.

The devil is called the “prince of this world” (John 12:31, Matthew 12:29).  He moves about on the earth, seeking whom he may devour (I Peter 5:8).  When he tempted Jesus in the wilderness, Satan offered Christ, “all the kingdoms of this world” if He would just fall down and worship him (Matthew 4:9). Jesus resisted that temptation and won that battle.

Many people are presently under Satan’s control (Acts 26:18, John 8:44).  Many are deceived by his influence and in bondage to his power.  This whole world system is under his domination (2 Corinthians 4:4, Ephesians 2:2, 6:12). But I’ve got good news!  I’ve read the back of the Book (the Bible) and I can tell you on the authority of God’s promises that the devil is going down.  I know his demise and it ain’t pretty.  According to Revelation 20:10, the devil is cast into the lake of fire, will be tormented forever and ever, I rejoice in that!

The Lord Jesus Christ will judge Satan. He will renew, restore and reclaim the Earth, hand it over to the Redeemed, and we will once again reign on the earth with Jesus.  What Satan messed up, Jesus will have restored completely.  We will have dominion over what God intended for us to rule over from the beginning (Matthew 25:34, Genesis 1:28), one universe, one heaven and earth, one Lord.  God dwelling with His people forever.

This is where history is headed my friend.  I’m glad I’m saved!  How about you – are you among those who will forever rejoice in God’s ultimate triumph over the adversary?  

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


  1. Yes!!! So GRATEFUL to be Saved!!! Thank you for this reminder that the battle has been WON!


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