“Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices” (II Corinthians 2:11). Satan’s devices (tricks, schemes, methods) are many. Anyone who has ever gone fishing knows that you use any kind of bait that will work to catch fish. I enjoy fishing for bass. I have all kinds of bait (lures) in my little tackle box. If one particular lure is not successful in helping me catch anything, I will try another. Satan is somewhat of a fisherman. He has many ways in which to snare unsuspecting people. We must be aware of his “baits”, his schemes. The devil is a deceiver and his plan is to destroy our God-given purpose and to distract us from the will of God. Here are some of the lures Satan has used successfully to ruin the testimony of many: The appeal of the world (II Timothy 4:10) Things – material possessions (Luke 12:15, Mark 10:21) Money – the hunger for wealth (I Timothy 6:7,10) Sexual temptation, se...