Lug Nuts

Yep, I'm starting our devotional thoughts for this week with "lug nuts".  You may be wondering, what do "lug nuts" have to do with my spiritual life?

Well... I was watching a NASCAR race a couple of weeks ago and I remember hearing that one of the cars had made a pit-stop, gone back out onto the track, and then had to come back into the pit because, you guessed it, a loose "lug nut".  That one little item could have caused a wreck if not corrected, if not fixed. 

You and I have to pay attention to the little things in our life, things that may be causing us problems in our relationships, things that are bothering us personally, things that may be drawing us away from the Lord.  A little resentment, anger, frustration, jealousy, allowed to sit and fester in our mind, can cause major damage later.

"Lug nuts", little things do matter!  It's the "little foxes that spoil the vines", Song of Solomon 2:15

From The Pastors' Pocket
Written by:  Pastor Bruce Freeman


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