I made a covenant with my eyes...

Never gaze at something that does not belong in your future, either something, someone or some place.  Our adversary can use these to break our focus upon the Lord and His purpose for our lives.

Many a good Christian has been side-tracked from the faith by coveting things that God never intended to be in their future.  This is why it is so very important that we guard our eyes.  What we look at long enough, we desire (Genesis 3:6).  What desires are fed and cultivated, lead to pursuit.

The Psalmist wrote, "I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes..." (Psalm 101:3a).  David, a man after God's own heart, knew there were just some things that should not be coveted.

There are some people that  don't belong in your future.  In Proverbs, Solomon warned his sons to stay clear of fools.  He warned of our association with angry people, carnal people, lazy people, deceitful people and so on.

There are some things that don't belong in your future.  Any thing (material possession) that draws you away from the Lord can become a snare to your soul (1 Timothy 6:9).  It's alright to have things, so long as they don't have you!

Have you made a covenant with your eyes?  Remember to keep your eyes on Jesus in this new year!  (Hebrews 12:2)

From The Pastors' Pocket
Written by:  Pastor Bruce Freeman


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