Are You Ready?

I've noticed recently the squirrels are busy!  All around us (in the woods where squirrels live) they are preparing for winter.  Gathering leaves for their nest and gathering nuts to hide, they are getting ready for cold weather.

Most of you will get up tomorrow morning and get ready to go to work.  You'll shower, get dressed, warm up the car, you are preparing for your day ahead.  When you are expecting visitors, you straighten up the house and prepare for their arrival.  The airline industry works hard to make sure their planes are ready to fly.  Athletes "warm up" to get ready for competition.

Jesus says, "get ready, I'm coming".  Are you ready for His return?  Folks, we'd better be prepared and get our house in order, for one day the Lord will surely come.  How can you be sure you are ready for this anticipated moment?  (1) Make sure you are saved.  (2) Make sure you are serving Christ in some capacity.  (3) Make sure you are doing the will of God.  (4) Be a worshiper.  Practice now because this is surely what we will do in Heaven (Revelation 4, 5).

Are you prepared for an encounter with the Lord today?  Have you positioned yourself to meet with a holy God?  It behooves us as God's people to be ready at all times, "for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of man cometh" (Matthew 24:44).

From The Pastors' Pocket
Written by:  Pastor Bruce Freeman


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