The Need for Rest
How many people do you know who are stressed-out? The truth is, God built into our mortal make-up the need for rest, for sleep. None of us can go and go without sleep. Sleep is the body’s way of recharging. God made it so we would get tired physically and have need of sleep. In the spiritual realm, we must learn to pause, to still our minds and our heart so that God can do for us spiritually what sleep does for us physically.
It’s amazing, years ago churches would stop doing
everything and hold revival meetings that would last for weeks. What was the
result of those meetings? God would
visit His people, unleash His power, and revive the church. Today, we can’t seem to slow down long enough
to hold a three-day meeting. Our lives
are full throttle, and the results are obvious: anxiety, heart issues, stress,
problems in relationships, even church strife. We lose sight of our priorities.
Are you calloused in your spiritual life, hardened in your heart toward the things of God? Maybe what you need is simple, some time alone with God. Come apart for a little while and you will find renewed power with God.
Pastor Bruce Freeman
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