Mentors or Mistakes

We learn two ways, by mentors or mistakes.  Think about that.  We can be instructed, coached, motivated, helped, or guided by someone with more wisdom, more knowledge, more skill, more talent or more strength than we have ourselves. Or we can do things our own way, in our own limited understanding, with our own limited skills or resources.  When we allow ourselves to be mentored, we can avoid many mistakes. 

Over many years of pastoring, I’ve watched people make a lot of mistakes in their marriage, parenting, finances, and their health. They made poor decisions because they refused to learn from someone who could help them.  Did they learn from their mistakes? Probably so, but those are hard lessons that led to a lot of frustration and heartache. 

I have preached a lot of sermons through the years that would have helped some people with problems they are facing, but they never attended church to hear those sermons.  I’m amazed at people who say they can’t afford to buy an audio sermon series or won’t buy a book written by someone with a lot of wisdom in a certain area.  Sadly, they will pay a lot more for the mistakes they make by refusing to be mentored.           

Moses mentored Joshua. Elijah mentored Elisha. Naomi mentored Ruth. Timothy and Titus learned a lot from Paul.  Who are you willing to learn from? Your future is determined by who you are willing to listen to.

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman



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