Giving Thanks Always

“Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;” Ephesians 5:20. 

“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” I Thessalonians 5:18. 

Give thanks always? For all things? Really? Yes.  The Bible teaches us to give thanks, to praise the Lord, to be grateful – always. This sounds impossible, but it isn’t. God never requires something of us that is impossible to do. Giving thanks always, requires trusting God, knowing that God is sovereign. He is always in control, and He never makes mistakes. He either causes all things in our lives or He allows them. We can be thankful for each event in our lives, knowing that God is in the middle of it. 

Everyone can give thanks after a blessing comes their way. That’s not hard, and it doesn’t require much faith. Have you learned to thank God before a blessing comes? That is evidence you are trusting God and by faith, you are believing the blessing is coming. 

Giving thanks always means you praise God in the midst of a crisis. Believing something good is coming your way. This is evidence of spiritual maturity and will require faith. You must stand firm and resist the devil’s lies. 

Read again the scripture references given today. Now read the following scriptures of examples Jesus gave us to follow: Matthew 11:25, John 6:11, John 6:23, John 11:41. In each reference Jesus says, “Father, I thank thee.” 

Today is Thanksgiving Day observed here in America. Make sure you take time to say, “thank you Lord”, no matter your circumstances. Whatever you may be facing. God is worthy to be praised. Giving thanks always for all things, can be done. It is God’s will, not just for today, but every day. 

From my family to yours, have a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving Day! 

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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