Are You Ready?

It’s that time of the year when the animals are getting ready for winter. They make sure their nesting place is ready for hibernation. They are gathering food or eating a lot of food now to sustain them during the winter months. 

In the mornings when we wake up, we get ready for the day. When we are expecting visitors, we get ready for their arrival. The airline industry works hard to make sure their planes are ready to fly. Athletes warm up to get ready for competition. 

Jesus tells us to get ready because He is coming.  Are you ready for His return? We must be prepared, for one day the Lord will surely come. How can you be sure you are ready for that moment? (1) Make sure you are saved, born again. (2) Be serving Christ in some capacity. (3) Make sure you are doing the will of God. (4) Be a worshipper. Practice now praising the Lord because that is what you will do in heaven (Revelation 4-5). 

Are you prepared for an encounter with the Lord today? Have you positioned yourself to meet with a Holy God? As His people, we must always be ready. “For in such an hour ye think not, The Son of man cometh”, Matthew 24:44. Are YOU ready?

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman



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