Stress Busters

All doctors agree that stress levels in today’s society are extremely high. Pressure, if not processed correctly can affect us physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. The Lord never designed us to bear all burdens, that’s why He tells us in I Peter 5:7, “Cast all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” If we commit our ways to Him, He will sustain us. 

There are many pressures we face in life. The pressure to conform, to attain, to meet schedules, to measure up, to finish, to perform, to be something or do something. These can all lead to stress. So how do we overcome the temptation to give in to the pressures we face. Here are some stress busters that will help us: (1) Depend on the Lord for the strength and grace you need. (2) Pray in times of distress, anytime, anywhere. (3) Accept the things you cannot change. (4) Work at changing the things within your control to change. (5) Learn to release your anxiety to the Lord. (6) Simply refuse to let the pressures control you. (7) Prepare yourself ahead of time for pressure situations. (8) Remember who you are in Christ – a victor. (9) Determine to enjoy life’s journey no matter how bad things may seem. 

I challenge you to put God to the test. Hand over your stress to Him and you will discover He will sustain you. 

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman




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