Reap The Rewards

Taking the truth of God’s Word seriously, making it personal, and applying it to our lives makes a difference in how God deals with us.  When we obey God, when we humble ourselves, push aside our own agendas and get involved in God’s agenda, He rewards us.  If we ignore His purpose or rebel against His commandments and instructions, we suffer the consequences. We must remember this principle: Your reaction to the Word of God, determines God’s reaction to you.  When you demonstrate respect for His Word, obey His Word and live His Word, you reap the benefits of a blessed life. When you ignore truth, reject truth, or don’t apply God’s Word to your life, you pay the price of your disobedience (Proverbs 13:13). Deuteronomy chapter 28 reveals this truth: obey and be blessed, disobey, and suffer.  Whatever is revealed in the scriptures, we are to do. 

I think the struggle we sometimes have is that to obey God we have to make adjustments.  We must change our ways.  To apply scripture means we must alter our ways to bring our lives into harmony with the will of God.  This may mean a change in our attitudes, our actions, our focus, or our priorities.

The problem today is we want to change the Word to fit our lifestyle.  What we really need is a change in our ways to fit the Word of God.  Ask the Holy Spirit to help you make the necessary adjustments.  You will reap the rewards of having God’s favor and blessing.  Try it – you’ll see.


The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman



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