Not Home Yet

As Christians, we’re destined for something much better than what this world has to offer.  As the old song says, “This world is not my home, I’m just a passin’ through, my treasure is laid up, somewhere beyond the blue, and I can’t feel at home in this world anymore.”

 The Bible tells us our time on earth is brief (Psalm 103:15 and James 4:4).  If we’ve trusted Jesus as our Savior, our eternal home is heaven. We are pilgrims just passing through.  We are aliens, strangers to this present, evil world system.

 As Christians it’s quite senseless to spend so much time trying to have-it-all here and now when we already have it all in Christ.  Abundant life that Jesus told us about doesn’t have anything to do with having an abundance of things.  It has to do with the quality of life we possess with all the spiritual riches that come from knowing Christ. 

God warns us not to love this world.  We must never get too attached to material things (stuff).  The fact is we will suffer rejection, experience sorrow and pain in this world. Jesus said so.  Often our circumstances seem harsh and unfair, but God has built some degree of dissatisfaction into our lives.  We are not supposed to be completely happy now, because we’re not home yet.  We are destined for something much better. Praise God! 

The story is told of a tired Missionary coming back to America on a ship that also carried the President of the United States.  In the port there were cheers, a band playing, banners flying and the media, all for the President.  The Missionary stepped off of the boat unnoticed and feeling resentment and self-pity, when a friend stepped up to him and said, “Remember, you’re not home yet.”  Christian friend, we’re not home yet but we may soon get there. Walk-on for Jesus until that day! 

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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