A Few Thoughts On Heaven

Heaven is a real place, occupied by real people – redeemed people. At this very moment, they are moving about, enjoying all that heaven has to offer. 

Heaven is a place of perfection. Everything about it is perfect because it was created by a perfect God. Sin cannot touch it and hate cannot abide there. Storms cannot invade its atmosphere. Everyone there is happy all the time. It’s a place of perfect beauty. There are no weeds, no polluted streams, no dead flowers, or trees. The atmosphere is perfect all the time. 

The residents never tire or grow old. Bodies never get sick or sustain injuries. It’s a place of no fear, no suffering, no chaos, no pain, no death. 

Heaven is this and so much more. Although I have never been there, I know the Way. Do you want to go with me? Read John 14:2-6. Then believe it! 

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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