The Blessing of The Bible

The Blessing of the Bible

In the prayer of Jesus to His Father, He said, “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” John 17:17. Jesus is praying for His disciples, for their growth. How are they to grow and be sanctified? Through the truth, the Word of God. 

For all of us, the truth is found in the Bible, the written revelation from God to man. What a blessing it is to have the Bible. Some of us have more than one, perhaps even many. The Bible is divine truth, absolute truth which makes it one of the most valuable gifts God could have given the world outside of Jesus, God’s Son. 

It’s no wonder the Bible has been assaulted, de-valued and dismissed throughout the ages. It’s no wonder the devil battles the preacher who is committed to preaching it. It’s no wonder we face resistance when we determine to read it, to study it. The Bible is life-changing! The Bible is a blessing from God! 

When was the last time you picked up your Bible or downloaded a Bible app and determined to apply some divine truth to your soul? Remember this my friend; the more you get into the Word, the more the Word will get into you!


ThePastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman



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