Learn to Linger Long Enough

Lamentations 3:25 / Psalm 16:11 / Isaiah 40:28-31 

We will only linger around something we love. Think about it. If we love the Lord, lingering in His presence should be our delight, our joy. Waiting upon the Lord has tremendous benefits if we are patient enough to linger in His presence. 

Waiting is hurry’s enemy. Satan wants us to rush, rush and hurry through life, bypassing the joy that comes from enjoying the present moment we have with the Lord. Patience brings power, vision, motivation, and perseverance. True change occurs in the presence of God. 

If we learn to linger long enough and wait upon the Lord, anger will subside, confusion will disappear, and the fear of man will die.  While we are waiting, we can hear His voice, hope can be birthed, our countenance will change, wounds can be healed, true joy will return, mistakes can be exposed, instruction and direction are given, a fresh anointing is imparted, love is reignited, and God gives renewed strength for tomorrow’s challenges. 

All of this and more is available to those who linger and wait upon the Lord. The next time you spend time with the Lord, whether at church, in your quiet time, or whenever you are alone with Him, don’t rush it.  Don’t get in a hurry. Linger in His presence for awhile. You will be glad you did. 

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman



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