Jesus - Master of Turnaround

The next to the last chapters in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, describe the crucifixion of Jesus. The last chapter of each book describes the resurrection of Jesus. 

When Jesus was nailed to the cross, there was pain, weeping, and darkness. His blood flowed from the wounds on His head because of the crown of thorns, from the nails that were driven in His hands and feet, the spear that was thrust through His side, and the cuts from the whippings on His back. He suffered all of that for you and me. 

But early one Sunday morning when the women went to the tomb the angel said, why are seeking the living among the dead? He is not here, He has risen. What is the title of this devotional?  Jesus – Master of Turnaround. Where there was death, now there was life.  Where there was darkness, now there was the light of a new day.  Hope was in the air.  Where there had been weeping and sorrow, now there was great joy and victory.  

At the cross was misery, at the tomb, a miracle. So, what does this imply for us today: (1) Today is not permanent.  Your worst circumstances are subject to change.  God can step into the arena of your life and turn things around in your favor. (2) If we only believe, God can transform our misery into miracles, hope for despair, healing for sickness, forgiveness for guilt, heaven for hell. (3) Because He lives, we can face tomorrow.

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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