
We could all use some courage in these trying days we live in. Joshua was given the assignment of leading the Israelites across the Jordan River and into the land of promise after Moses had been their leader all those years in the wilderness. In Joshua 1:6, God said to Joshua, “Be strong and of good courage”. Verse 7, “Only be thou strong and very courageous”. Verse 9, “Have I not commanded the? Be strong and of good courage, be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest.” 

Knowing that Joshua would need some courage after serving under Moses in the wilderness, the Lord commanded him to be strong and full of courage. In chapter three of Joshua, we read of how this bold and fearless leader, full of courage, led the people across the Jordan River, into the land of Canaan, the land full of milk and honey, yet filled with many unknowns and many challenges. 

We too have big challenges ahead as we prepare for the coming of the Lord. Our world is changing so much, with every passing day. However, this is not the time to tremble with fear. God’s people need a huge dose of courage. We need to be strong and courageous, knowing that the Lord is with us. 

Will you join me in prayer, that the Church in these last days would be strong, bold, and full of courage? Then ask the Lord to fill you with courage to face whatever is in front of you. That is a prayer He is sure to answer.


The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman



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