Be Happy!

When God does something wonderful for you, you have a right to be happy about it. In Acts 3:1-10, consider the incredible miracle that this poor crippled man experienced.  His whole life up until that moment was filled with misery, humiliation, pain, and frustration, but by the power of God, his humiliation turned into jubilation.  For the first time in his life, he was overwhelmed with pure joy.  He was so happy that he just couldn’t hold it in. He entered the temple with Peter and John “walking, and leaping, and praising God” (Acts 3:8). 

In most churches today, there is not enough rejoicing.  The sounds of happy Christians, clapping, shouting, singing, and testimonies of praise, are too often absent in our services.  It’s no wonder we don’t attract the lost. We’ve given the unsaved the impression that our salvation has made us miserable. May I remind you dear friend that the gospel is still “good news”.  God loves us, despite ourselves, and He still offers eternal life, forgiveness, peace and joy, to any and all who will believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

 Every Christian has been delivered from the penalty of sin.  We’re not going to hell we’re going to heaven.  We have Holy Ghost power.  We’re not going down; we’ve been lifted up by God’s amazing grace.  Our past is forgiven, our present secure, and our future is as bright as the promises of God.  We must bring our joy to the surface, just like the crippled man who was healed. You know how blessed you are. Go ahead and rejoice!

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman




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