Satan's Lures

2 Corinthians 2:11 says, “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” Satan’s devices, his tricks, schemes and methods are many. 

 Anyone who has ever gone fishing knows that you use any kind of bait that will work to catch fish.  I enjoy fishing for bass.  I have all kinds of bait (lures) in my little tackle box.  If one lure is not successful in helping me catch a fish, I will try another. Satan is somewhat of a fisherman.  He has many ways in which to snare unsuspecting people.  We must be aware of his lures.  The devil is a deceiver, and his plan is to destroy our God-given purpose and to distract us from the will of God.  Here are some of the lures Satan has used successfully to ruin the testimony of many: The appeal of the world (II Timothy 4:10). Things, material possessions (Luke 12:15, Mark 10:21). Money, the hunger for wealth (I Timothy 6:7,10). Sexual temptation, seduction (Judges 16:4). Disappointments, bitterness (Hebrews 12:15).

 Anything that delays your pursuit of God, anything that detours you from your calling, anything that interrupts your fellowship with God, anything that breaks your focus, is a bait from the enemy.  The wrong kind of friends, wrong kind of music, and a host of other things can disrupt your walk with God and cause havoc in your life.

 Satan knows how to fish.  Don’t fall for the bait he uses to hook you.  Stay alert. Don’t be the next victim who lands in the devil’s net. 

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman



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