If You Have Jesus You Have Everything

“He that hath the Son, hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.” I John 5:12 

If you are like me, you did not realize all that you received from God when you got saved. Yes, we received eternal life when we trusted Christ, but with trusting Christ, we got so much more. Let me remind you of some things included in the salvation package: forgiveness, redemption, freedom, access to the throne, power over sin and Satan, the mind of Christ, your name in the Book of Life, heaven when you die, a place at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and many other benefits. When you have Jesus, you have everything. 

The story is told of a wealthy man whose son tragically died. A friend painted a portrait of the boy which was added to the rest of the father’s art collection that was worth millions of dollars. An auction was held after the father passed away and his entire art collection was up for sale. A big crowd gathered to bid on various pieces of art. Most overlooked the portrait of the boy, but the man’s will stated that whoever buys the portrait of his son gets the entire collection. A very simple man, a servant, had purchased the portrait because he knew the boy. With his possession of that one painting, he received the entire collection worth millions.

Friend, if you have Jesus, the Son, you have everything. 

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman





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