Hearing God

“Now the Lord had said to Abram…” (Genesis 12:1). Abraham had somehow developed the ability to hear God’s voice. I am intrigued by that. Remember, this was at a time when there were no prophets and Abraham had no scripture to go by.  This man had nothing else to turn to for guidance and yet he heard God speak and he obeyed. He was being called to leave his livelihood, his home, his security. He was asked to leave his comfort zone and he did just that. I believe Abraham had developed a close relationship with the Lord, which, by the way, takes time. No wonder he discerned that God was speaking to him. 

This hearing from God is not something others can do for us. We must have such a relationship that we hear the Lord speak and know it is Him. Nothing increases our confidence like hearing from God ourselves.

 One other thing that strikes me in Genesis 12; Abraham was fairly wealthy when God called him. But the instruction from God was not, stay where you are and I will bless you. Rather, it was leave, go, and I will bless even more. 

If only we would get so close to God that whatever He calls us to do, we obey. Who knows what blessings might await us.

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman





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