God's Divine Instructions

Where do you want to be five years from now? Ten years from now? Where do you want to spend eternity? Wherever you are in your life right now, determine to pursue God, to pursue the will of God. It can change everything.

Forty-four years ago, I was lost, living in sin in Charlotte, North Carolina, headed nowhere. My life was empty. But one Sunday morning in 1978, my wife and I visited a church, only because we knew going to church on Sunday was the right thing to do. But God knew why I was there. He had given the Preacher just the message I needed. I ran to the altar during the invitation and got saved. I fell in love with Jesus and today my life is fulfilling. I have a purpose here on earth and I know heaven will be my eternal home. 

When you accept God’s will for your life and determine to obey Him, it changes everything. God wants you to be saved, restored, fully and wholly reconciled to Him. He wants you to live in harmony with Him and with others. 

Are you open to what God wants for your life? You simply cannot afford to ignore His divine instructions. Will you determine to pursue Jesus Christ. Accept His love, mercy, and gift of salvation?  Your eternal destination can change in an instant. 

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman



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