Church and Football

Most of you reading this devotional today have either attended a football game or watched one on television. Perhaps some of you have been on a team and have played on the field. 

Today I want to draw some parallels between church and the game of football. Football is a contact sport. It can be brutal. Athletes run into each other on purpose and injuries occur frequently.

 I believe the church has become soft. We assume we can fight the world, the flesh, the devil, and never be wounded. Too many people in the church are so easily offended by what someone says or does. Perhaps all of us need to toughen up. We are in the final minutes of the fourth quarter before our Lord returns. It’s only going to get harder to take a stand for Christ. Don’t give up, back up, or shut up. Your team needs you to be strong and courageous in these final hours.

 Too many Christians today are content to stay in the locker room. To hide inside the walls of the church building when the game is out on the field. Didn’t our Lord (Head Coach) say we are to go into all the world and preach the gospel? Sure, it’s nice to gather in church (the locker room), sing songs and fellowship together, but it’s game time. There are souls to win, work to do. We need every believer on the field today.

 I will continue with another parallel between Church and Football in tomorrow’s Pastor’s Pocket. 

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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