Beware of the Snare

In 2 Timothy chapter two, the Apostle Paul has been teaching about godly living. He urged the believers to be strong in the Lord, providing instructions for effective service in the Kingdom of God.  He uses an interesting phrase in verse 26, “the snare of the devil”. 

Most of us know what a snare is. It’s a trap, a noose of some kind, used by hunters or trappers to catch an animal.  It is used here by Paul in a metaphorical sense to refer to something that our adversary, the devil, plants in our path to hinder us in some way. 

Let’s consider some of these snares that Satan has used effectively against God’s people:

(1) The snare of PRIDE. Remember, it was the sin of pride that led to Lucifer’s downfall (Isaiah 14). Pride has been one of Satan’s most useful snares. We can begin to think we are so spiritual that sin cannot touch us. We can begin to think we are better than everyone else. Proverbs 16:18 says, “pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall”. Beware of the snare of pride.

(2) The snare of PROSPERITY. I Timothy 6:9, “But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition”.  The glitter of riches and material things has hindered many a believer from doing the will of God.

(3) The snare of PEOPLE. Yes, it’s true. Satan will use whatever and whoever to trap us into sin.  The wrong kind of person can become a snare to us (Proverbs 1:10 & 22:24-25). Carnal people, lazy people, bitter people, angry people, flirtatious people, can all be used by the devil to hinder us from following Christ.  One wrong person in our life can destroy our future. 

Beware of these snares. Be cautious. Be alert. Deceptive snares are everywhere.  Only Jesus can prevent us from stepping in one of them. Abide in Him my friend. 

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman




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