You Must Trust God With Your Future

Proverbs 3:5, Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” 

When I was a boy, my family had a membership at a public swimming pool. My Dad would get in the water and urge me to jump in. Although unsure of my own swimming skills at the time, I really believed in my heart that if I jumped, my Dad would catch me. I put my trust in him, and he never let me down. He caught me every time. 

I have read that in the circus, the trapeze artists really do have to trust each other. A special relationship exists between the one who jumps and the one who catches them. Once the person who jumps lets loose, they must trust the other person to catch them. 

We must learn to do what God tells us to do, believing in our heart the Lord can be trusted with the outcome. Friend, you and I don’t have to know the future, we must trust our Heavenly Father who does. Go ahead and jump. Obey God’s instructions as He calls you into new levels of intimacy with Him. Be willing to leave your comfort zone knowing in your heart that your Father can be trusted. The one and only way to be convinced that God will catch you is to jump. 

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman



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