Victory or Defeat?

These are rough times to say the least, and we all have a choice. Surrender to defeat or stand and fight back. James instructs us in chapter 4, verse 7, “resist the devil”. Resist means to stand against, to withstand. 

The devil is the chief adversary of every Christian. He is our number one enemy. He is a liar, a murderer, a thief, and a deceiver. He is a loser, he’s going down, and he wants to drag you down with him. Do you want this enemy to succeed against you? Are you willing to let the devil discourage you, defeat you, and rob of you of what is rightfully yours? Will you stand by while Satan ruins your world? You must take a stand against him! 

Satan will use four distinct steps to take you out: (1) Desire – he will identify a sinful desire within you and will try to get you to fulfill it. (2) Doubt – he tries to get you to doubt the promises of God. (3) Deception – remember the devil is a liar. He said to Eve in Genesis 3:4, “ye shall not die”. He places the thought in your mind that it is only a little sin – go ahead. A little sin is like being a little pregnant, eventually it will manifest itself. (4) Disobedience – you finally act on the desire you’ve been toying with in your mind and before you know it, you go down to despair and defeat. 

Friend, you must fight back! Resist the intimidation of your adversary. Never surrender. God will give you the victory! 

I Corinthians 15:57, But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”


The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman



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