Reach Out to Someone

Remember when Jesus first sent out His disciples? In Matthew 10:5-6 He said, “Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not, but rather go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” It was God’s plan for the nation of Israel to hear the good news first, and later, the Gentile nations (Romans 1:16). 

God doesn’t require us to reach everybody, but He does require us to reach somebody.  Not everyone is interested in our ministry, nor for that matter are they receptive to our message, but some are. We must, as Christians, focus on those who we can reach.  This is also true of us on a personal level. God doesn’t qualify us to minister to everyone we meet, but He does prepare the hearts of some people to need what we have to offer. 

Perhaps you have experienced a divorce in your life or struggled with the death of a loved one. Maybe you have battled an addiction, struggled with an extended illness, or dealt with chronic pain.  Who is better than yourself to reach out to other people who are n struggling with these same issues?  You are qualified to help them because you have been where they are.  It’s been said that the broken become masters at mending.  That simply means when you’ve experienced something, you’re in a great position to touch others because of the very pain you’ve endured. 

Develop a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and ask Him to lead you to the specific people He wants you to help.  You are the solution to somebody’s problem today. Not everybody’s – but somebody’s.


The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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