God's Promises Are Sure

Psalm 23:6 says, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” 

“Surely” - I like that word. It speaks of an absolute, something definite, reliable.  Many things, and many people, may prove unreliable in life, but God’s promises are sure. 

We let ourselves down sometimes.  Our own devotion to God may falter, but God never does.  He is a faithful God; reliable, rock-solid, true. David, the author of Psalm 23, did not say maybe, possibly, I think so, or I hope so. He said, “Surely”.

David knew that God’s goodness and mercy would follow him his entire earthly journey.  God’s goodness and mercy followed Moses through the wilderness and followed Joseph into Egypt. That same goodness and mercy followed Daniel into the lion’s den, followed Paul through his missionary journeys, and followed John to his island of exile. 

Stop for a moment my friend and look back.  Think of all the scrapes God has brought you through.  All the doctor’s visits, the nights on the road traveling home, all the messes He has cleaned up for you. All the days of your life include the days of raising your children, all the struggles at work trying to get ahead, the lonely times and the days of disappointment.

 When God says “surely”, He means it.  Claim it. Believe it. Stand on it. Rejoice in it!  His goodness and mercy are following you right now. 

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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