We Need The Church

If everyone was perfect, the Church would not be needed or necessary. Ministries would be useless because there would be no one with flaws, problems, issues, or hang-ups. Well, we live in an imperfect world filled with imperfect people. All around us are people struggling with sin, some are bruised and broken, flawed and frustrated, battered and bitter, critical and confused, discouraged and disillusioned, hungry or hopeless. Perhaps you are in one of these categories. The truth is, we all need a Savior, and we all need the Church. 

The Apostle Paul strongly believed this when he wrote his letters to Timothy and Titus. He described difficult situations and mentioned all kinds of people with all kinds of problems, but he knew things could change. Paul also knew these men could be agents of change, so he instructed them to preach the Word to those who were ignorant of God’s wisdom. (I Timothy 4:11-16, 6:17-19, 2 Timothy 4:1-5, Titus 1:4-5, Titus 1:10-12. 

The need for Christian ministry is as great today as it has ever been. You can’t help everyone, but you can help someone. Why not pray that God would use you to minister the love Jesus, and the truth of God’s Word to somebody who needs it this week? More than likely there are a lot of messed up folks around you who need what you have to offer, even if you have some problems of your own. Better yet – invite someone to your Church this week. 

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman



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